Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

You think I’m mentally broken

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In a good way.


Yeah that’s a pretty good assessment of what’s going on

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is this the face of someone who’s mentally broken



I’m mentally broken like how when your back is really stiff and then you finally manage to crack it


I’m mentally broken like a glowstick

They glow though

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I’m mentally broken like a horse ← Thing I’d say if I wanted to get ayo’d

Do you glow?

I wrote hell dualies on my knee

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So sort of a glow stick?

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i told myself not to check the game score because i knew max scherzer was starting and the astros would win. i was right (so far)

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“not a good situation!!”
“it was not good!!!”
“ohh no. ohh no”
-Sentences said by my Teammate regarding this Game

Splatoon teammate. But game of baseball. It’s the Splatoon baseball mahjong server

doesn’t your team have an astros fan. how are they feeling

No the Astros friend is a different one

you have so many friends. lucky

There’s the ancient warrior cats fansite friends (Astros fan, Sox fan, everyone else is a Mets fan by conversion) and then there’s the Splatoon baseball mahjong server friends (O’s fan, Sox fan, someone who loves listing facts about the Rays’ fucked up stadium so I think they like the Rays?, many other kinds of fans I don’t know them all off the top of my head)

i assume you mean the red sox. i love that you can just say sox and the red is assumed. there are no white sox fans except for that one radio show caller