Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong


Habit force

i wonder if iā€™ve made enough comments about baseball teams to have doxxed myself

itā€™ll probably happen eventually

Iā€™ve definitely doxed myself Iā€™ve definitely given super doxable material Iā€™m not saying what it is because I donā€™t want to give you the map

But as someone who used to locate people online for fun you can absolutely find me

Iā€™ve intentionally let myself slip shit so I stop being paranoid. What are you even going to do to me

arete already knows way too much about me idk why iā€™m scared of doxxing myself. but i still am

Honestly you all could dox me to the people I know IRL. You know too much

Reverse doxing where you all reveal all the [REDACTED] I said about [REDACTED] to people among whom I maintain some dignity

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reverse doxxing where you reveal what baseball team i root for to a group of people who wish i would shut up about the baseball team i root for




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Iā€™m a graduate now.


Did you earn your diploma? How does it look like?

I didnā€™t hear anyone call it a diploma, but I have the certificate.

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Culture shock moment.

Will you be more free, mixer magnus? :heart_decoration:

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I wish I couldā€™ve invited you to Sageā€™s danganrompa game, itā€™s so much fun!!!

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You did invite me.