Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong


Now granted if someone’s getting kidnapped or murdered then the police can probably do something because who can make that worse

(see: the bystander effect)

I mean they could, like, show up, decide the victim looks sus, and shoot them (I guess this wouldn’t make a murder worse since they’re dead either way but it could make a kidnapping worse)

anyways a car drove away that I think … might have the same people in it? and I didn’t get the license plate

so uh hopefully I did not just fail to prevent a kidnapping/murder/etc.



Me when the bystander effect

arete you’re about to be a new age kitty genovese witness (the kitty genovese case was overhyped and witnessed by a lot fewer people than some would have you believe)

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hey, I am explicitly not assuming that the other people in this apartment are going to call 911 or whatever, I am simply assuming that the Chicago police department might be bad at their jobs



The what

the kitty genovese case was like. the supposed golden example of the bystander effect where supposedly a bunch of people witnessed her getting stabbed and didn’t do anything. in actuality not that many people witnessed it and the few who did weren’t entirely sure what was going on

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it’s only the bystander effect if it comes from the “bystander” borough of New York, anything else is just sparkling inaction



unless you have a gun in your drawer that’s about the best choice you had

Hm. I did the math and I am walking five or six times as much as I did before I moved in. And that’s having been walking more than average going to Stores. No wonder I am so tired all the time

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this is called exercise may it makes you live longer

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welcome to college

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What the fuck

I think it’s going to make me die badly actually my feet hurt

it only goes downhill

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