Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong


the bussing role?

Paks’s Splatoon team is gonna scrim mine tonight we’re gonna find the REAL winner of that wolfteam

the bussy role

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My public vote was fake and I could place a real vote in secret

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see i kinda just assumed it was mountainous, figured out it wasn’t when people started talking about the lack of mechanical information but figured it wasn’t too much removed from mountainous, and then realized it was probably more removed from mountainous when i found out the messages on the table were just a public messenger


There was a rule against roleclaiming: you could claim information, but you couldn’t just, like, say “my role is X” for no reason. This is a weird and fuzzy line which Finn crossed. That’s why nobody else claimed roles

i know may is mafia guys. don’t ask why just trust

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Honestly I probably could’ve fakeclaimed investigstive in ExLo couldn’t I

Maybe wouldn’t have cringe choked if I did

i think you would have an even harder time dodging the “how are you alive” allegations

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I’m the most reasonable to be alive guy in the world dunno what you’re talking about

I’m so alive

Which is normal and not concerning

when did you find out your role/alignment anyway

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24 hours before, found out my team an hour before

oh i got bored after like d1 and my only read was that u were mafia

basically, i carried

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i didn’t bother making reads my only reads were “it would be funny if may was mafia” earlygame and “paks is probably mafia” lategame


But what if it’s Louisa/Finn