Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back


i don’t have a soul either way

i pawned it for fifty bucks

let my body die assuming the concept of soul is real (its not, but just for the sake of fun)

i play pokemon. a 30% chance can range from fissure hitting to focus blast missing, one of which is significantly more likely than the other. i’m not taking my chances


I have a new game:

Round 1 - The Time Capsule Dilemma

You are part of a critical mission to ensure the survival of humanity’s knowledge and culture in the face of an impending global catastrophe. Your task is to transport this knowledge to a safe location where future generations or civilizations can discover it. You have two options for how to proceed:

One method is the Digital Time Capsule. You will upload all of humanity’s knowledge, including books, art, music, and scientific discoveries, into a digital archive. This archive will be encrypted and sent to a network of satellites orbiting Earth, where it will be preserved for thousands of years. The data will be broadcast intermittently in hopes that future civilizations on Earth or explorers from other worlds will be able to receive and decode it. The transmission is incredibly efficient and can be completed in a matter of hours, but it relies on the hope that future beings will have the technology and will to decode and appreciate the information.

The other method is the Physical Time Vault. You will place physical copies of important texts, artworks, and data storage devices inside a massive, secure vault deep underground in a geologically stable location. This vault is designed to withstand natural disasters, wars, and the passage of time, with the aim of preserving these items for up to 10,000 years. Future generations of humans or visiting aliens would need to physically find and access the vault to recover its contents. This method involves significant risk and effort, including the possibility that the vault could never be found or that its contents could be damaged over millennia despite precautions.

You must decide which method you believe offers the best chance for the preservation and eventual rediscovery of humanity’s treasures.

Choose your method:

  • The Digital Time Capsule for efficiency and global reach
  • The Physical Time Vault for tangibility and the romance of discovery

Click here for the game

The quizmaker is biased and should be fired


theres no point to risk really dying if you’re just gonna come back otherwise and keep doing stuff

Staying Alive: Post-Mortem

Sorry! You’re dead!

You chose:
Round 1: It’s the teletransporter for me
Round 2: I’ll take the silicon, thanks
Round 3: Let my body die

Here’s the problem. There are basically three kinds of things that could be required for the continued existence of your self. One is bodily continuity, which may actually require only that parts of the body stay in existence (i.e., the brain). Another is psychological continuity, which requires the continuance of your consciousness - by which is meant your thoughts, ideas, memories, plans, beliefs, and so on. The third possibility is the continued existence of some kind of immaterial part of you, which might be called the soul. Of course, it may be the case that a combination of one or more types of these continuity is required for you to survive.

Your first two choices were consistent with the view that psychological continuity is necessary for survival. In Round 1, you decided to have your body zapped and rebuilt from scratch, and in Round 2 you decided to have your brain replaced by synthetic parts. Both these choices give you psychological continuity. But your last choice sees the end to your psychological continuity, since the continued existence of the soul does not provide it. So you first ended bodily continuity and then you ended psychological continuity.

Perhaps you made these choices because all along you thought that the continuity of the soul is what counts? If so, there is still a puzzle. How could teletransportation or replacing your organic body with synthetic parts ensure that your soul continues to exist? After all, the teletransporter transmits information about body states. Why would the soul follow this information? Given the lack of reasons to suppose a soul would do this, you have been pronounced dead. (Although technically speaking you haven’t so much died as lost track of where your soul has gone.) However, it is conceded that the autopsy is not absolutely conclusive.

Note: The chart above shows the percentage of people who have surivived and died playing this game.


let body die tbh

like sure the question of a soul is bound to come up (and it should!) but this is not the way to do it

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litten my game is better


how the fuck does the continued existence of the soul not provide some form of psychological continuity

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I’m gonna watch back my games from when I was on Splatoon lessons nya

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this quizmaker should be punted into the sun

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but their brain should remain in a vat. so they can be asked if they died


play my quiz instead

i’ve had enough philosophy for tonight

they specifically state you have no recollection or personality based on your previous life
you would only have spiritual continuity

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