Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

I think it’s a good idea to say opinions even if you’re not that sure
May was actually talking to me about not hedging earlier, and how it’s often +EV as both alignments to pretend your reads are strong when they’re not


also honestly being wrong isn’t all that bad, especially D1

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I still never learnt what +EV means

EV = expected value

so a +EV action increases your chance of winning

The thing is, when I make a read, its like a golden gun, it tends to be very reliable. I prefer shooting less but being more accurate vs shooting more and missing more

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A D1 misexecution isn’t gonna kill ya. On D1 my #1 goal is to wring information out of the people in the thread so I can be more correct on later days

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Honestly I didn’t really follow the game socially but I’m still blown away at how town bungled RM5 mechanically. Someone by the time you realized you could claim Grey Sister it would have been too late had the medium just seanced o.kazo like they were supposed to. Oracle and Diviner had really poor targeting choices the entire game as well


If you want, you can show your honest confidence on reads, and make it clear when you’re actually sure; it still helps others understand your thought process and find you as town

Even if you’re very wrong, if you get people to find you as town, that’s good

I knew beforehand, but I would never claim GS regardless of alignment

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I would wait for medium to catch if medium is real or not

and if MP went off, and no medium claim, I would then claim

My confidence when im not sure tho tends to be find 1-3 ppl I trust to be town, and whisper/colab with them if possible, and follow their lead if not

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ok anyway I should sleep now it’s nearly 1 AM
gn townies and May


Good night townie. Hope the pocket is comfy nya

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not me responding to another post

I try to do this as well, it’s a lot easier to solve when I can trust and talk to a few people I think are town

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Fair. But also the diviner didn’t really try to defend themselves to my knowledge and it also kind of seemed like the entire town was failing to comprehend the true nature of Diviner’s self-framing Passive. To be fair it also didn’t help that their targets were so poor.


Fear of being wrong is the #1 thing that holds me back in mafia. Being confidently wrong is alright right up until the last second of ExLo

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I mean it also didnt help the Diviner basically gave up, like it felt like an oh no I got caught moment

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I disagree with geyde that the game was indefensibly scumsided mechanically. The rand was almost as townsided as it could have been

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