Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

I think the flaws in your fakeclaim mostly stemmed from the fact that if you were real Amne, you would have … had an ability. You didn’t (afaik) have a fake ability picked out, so you didn’t know what sort of things I’d’ve been prompting you for, and it was (presumably??) harder to come up with fake guesses when you don’t know what you’re supposed to be guessing

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I mean, I wasted two guesses on role guessing, so I don’t think that would’ve done me in in that game.

theoretically if you were (a) real amnesiac and (b) understood how your ability worked, you probably would not have guessed both Cannibal and Balloonist

but like (b) is a big if

(honestly if you were real Amne and you were like “am I the Balloonist” and I hadn’t been waking you up to give Balloonist info, I probably would have given you your answer and then clarified how amne worked)

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but you’re supposed to be able to use the kinds of things the Storyteller is prompting you for + giving you in return in order to narrow down your ability, it’s not just a random guessing game

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But it is kind of a random guessing game, right?

well yes

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technically speaking I think the thing people were asking about, where the Amne is the Demon, would arguably be possible??? but like it would be Really dumb

but like I don’t think there’s anything that prevents your Amne ability from being “Each day, the Storyteller announces that the Leviathan is in play. The game cannot end while you are alive. [-1 Demon]”

it would just be REALLY STUPID

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Ok, so @benguinedparbecue, are there more or less than twenty homebrew sets doing this? Because the number’s certainly not zero.

No one would see it coming

You never see it coming!

even in homebrew sets the storyteller chooses what amnesiac does. you just never know

there are all-amne games though. and some of them are. awesome!

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proud of myself for reviewing an album i listened to 3 months ago before 2025 :pray:

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next time we run an S&Veensy I might try adding Toymaker, I don’t love the dynamic of evils not knowing who each other are


yeah that fucked me. how is evil twin supposed to advance agenda when i don’t know what that agenda is?


hopefully enough people show up so that we never have to run s&veensy again. but i am also LUF’ed out after that game

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LUF keeps making me a Leviathan.
I don’t want to be a Leviathan anymore.

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monkey’s paw curls

Widow: On your first night, look at the Grimoire & choose a player: they are poisoned. 1 good player knows a Widow is in play.


being widow’s fun because you’re the only one who actually knows what’s going on


glad to see it worked out :)

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