Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

to be fair I don’t think you have my legal name

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I also don’t remember what quote, I just remember having to go to one extra step to find your location. And obviously I did this because you let me and I was curious

may crossreferences and does all this detective work to get peoples locations. i just become their friends and convince them i need their address


If you very clearly let me do something I will do it all the time. It’s a puzzle. This is why I tell everybody about my habits so that they don’t accidentally post anything that I’ll take as an invitation

MAY do you have enough information to get my location

i don’t remember any of the addresses quite honestly. except @jail i am sorry jail but i have your full name and address to memory

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Mmm trying to remember. I certainly don’t have it available to me without effort but if I were taking notes I could probably start to narrow it down?

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I think the easiest way to doxx me using only publicly stated info (no Quizbowlcord no ‘I gave you my legalname email’) is still the one where you find my mom and work from there


i frequently post things online that could totally be used to figure out who i am
nya nya nya

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And I think I could easily get it if I started poking. Like I could most definitely get you to answer a bunch of vague questions about your university’s policies to play Guess Who

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that being said I sometimes go “no i cannot post that! it would be too easy to find who i am”

feel free to do this May


may do you think i could figure out who you are though :flushed:

Oh I think in certain communities the easiest way to get me is ALSO to find my mom and work from there


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I have so many posts in the cookie thread

I will DM people my address if it’s funny

find aretes mom. start talking to aretes mom. become aretes stepmom. meet arete in real life for Christmas. follow them home. location achieved


However, if you look her up, the first result is a picture of somebody else

i also have no experience trying to figure out who people are though (and am surprised to find out people do this for fun)