Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

If i dont think about my gender it doesnt exist


if you dont think, do you exist?

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I think about myself so much. I love thinking about myself and judging and analysing what facts about me are true or false. Insults (and compliments) are so fun in particular because they let me think about myself. They give me new prompting. When you think about the same subject for 18 years you run out of material and need some inspiration to analyse new things

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90% of my life has been not thinking
I exist

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Wow I hate doing that lmao. Its why im online, to distract myself from real life

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instead of going to therapy i just condider all my life proglens at once as i nap. good times


Do i exist

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Me too

Do any of us truly exist?

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Yes, I do exist :eye:

I wouldn’t save a drowning child because that child doesn’t actually exist


“I think, therefore I am” smh

I am very much my own favourite person

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i cant sleep when i nap. i just lay in bed pondering. i spend alot of time pondering its a habit from when i was a kid. i wasnt allowed much time on the computer or the tv or my tv and i wasn’t sociable so i was agonisingly bored. and i had bad insomnia so i was up all night too. bored. so i think


Oh wow im my least favorite person, ok this makes sense then

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it is worth noting i do this unintentionally as a coping mechanism i just fold into my own mind this is not healthy


I’ve found that i have a very vivid imagination compared to a lot of my friends

I think thats a byproduct of Thinking A Lot To Not Be Bored


Why is it not healthy?

At 6PM remind me to start drinking coffee