Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back


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I have a question
for god

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Ask away

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If it’s about me, always. If it’s not about me, yeah fine usre

sometimes people delete messages in quizbowlcord but it’s pretty much exclusively 1610s. once someone posted a message in the main chat commenting on how another mafia member was carrying them, but fortunately for both they deleted it before anyone could see it. unfortunately, they noticed the deletion and thought that a third mafia member deleted a 1610. it was weird


What did you say

My bathroom is like 5ft from my desk. It’s a blessing.

That sounds claustrophobic af

She sometimes put secret page puzzles and I was like your secret page puzzles are SO trivially easy and stupid how have more people not solved them by now (TRUE)



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College apartment. My entire life is like 10ft wide

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we kinda just houserule that 1610s are fair game to delete but if someone notices it happening you get owned


Yea I feel that, I was in that exact same situation 1 year, legit could touch both walls

A game where the punishment for cheating isn’t getting punished, but getting owned big time

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I have an Ethernet cable run across my ceiling which is my faovurite feature of my current dorm

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If it were across the floor, you’d trip on it whenever you dodge-roll off the map

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Exactly the philosophy

what kind of boba tea are you drinking

My favorite part of my current dorm is that I live on the highest floor, and I get to think about all those humans that are below me.