Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

I haven’t walked up and down that hill for boba in so damn long because I don’t like hot boba and I’d be cold by the time I got there…

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the kind that goes boba boba

oh i mean your pfp

That’s a megaphone

Oh. Well it’s orange so probably thai milk tea

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I thought it was just a phrase along the lines of “what are you smoking” and the answer is Splatoon 3 for the Nintendo Switch

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cowards. simply leave up your 1610 in offtopic and claim it was meant for your role channel


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this is the other out because for some reason they just eat this excuse up


Actually I think I was wrong.

That’s goldenrod, not orange

they call me g

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maybe not

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g stands for stop Getting banned

Welcome back!


there was the time that a mafia member claimed “f bomb” in a game themed around hamilton, somehow got into the trust circle, got a genuine compliment from the mafia’s leader, and 1610ed into the trust circle a minute later


they did NOT get away with it

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looks almost Salmon to me


Salmon??? Where???