Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

I need the salmon omfg

I’ve got to find a forum to host my new survival game

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my NEW survival game

who was the mafia member

…also who was the mafia’s leader

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insert obligatory youtuber clickbaitjoke

I heard that if you have billions of dollars, you can rent a private forum off the pacific coast.

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I’ve put a lot of work into it


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i don’t think you’d know either of them actually

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we’ve talked about them but i don’t think you’ve ever met them

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What is a “1610”? [Genuine]


Also got no clue lmao

This didn’t end well for town.
Tassadar and his friends play Mafia (

In other news. WB Marshal.

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it’s worth noting the mafia leader subbed out shortly afterwards due to general exasperation with the game, including another mafia member insisting on claiming lafayette despite it not being a reserved fake, shockingly getting counterclaimed, and then using up one of the mafia’s limited fakes afterwards

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One of the fun parts of being mafia is you have all the info, and you get to BS the town.

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mafia lost so so horribly and while most of that was the setup’s fault its members did not always help

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Hamilton most certainly did not take place in 1610

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Post 1610 of the Season 6, game 4 championship qualifier

I think abovementioned might be a great way to discredit apoc.

Definition: you can out yourself as n1 watcher by asking apoc something along the lines of “you’re claiming to have been roleblocked butnkbody visited you this night. Explain”. Coukd be a way to mark you as towny.

Just a suggestion but feels pretty goodif we can turn it into a lynch

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I bet that none of you can go to the moon in less than 50 years from now.

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bold of you to assume the moon won’t be the only habitable rock 50 years from now

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i read this as: