Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Splatoon 3 story mode makes you eternally ask “alright cool but when does the real game begin” and the answer is Never

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I 100%ed Splatoon 3 story mode BTW. Didn’t do all the alt weapons but I did literally everything else


Splatoon 3 story mode is like the emperor’s new clothes ot me. Everybody around me insists it’s good and I’m like are you all insane. What is going on inside your heads


Nothing about Splatoon 3 story mode ever made me feel smart or skilled whatsoever and even the levels which were nominally difficult felt like I had flailed my arms around until I won rather than strategised or outmaneuvered anything

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BANNED TOPICS: Religion, politics, Splatoon 3 story mode

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I asked Chatgpt to follow up with these

  1. “Playing Splatoon 3’s story mode feels like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded, with no real sense of direction or purpose.”
  2. “Splatoon 3’s story mode is like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube with missing pieces - frustrating and ultimately unsatisfying.”
  3. “Playing Splatoon 3’s story mode is akin to being stuck in a perpetual tutorial, never advancing beyond the basics.”
  4. “Splatoon 3’s story mode is like wandering through a desert of repetitive tasks, desperately searching for an oasis of engaging gameplay.”
  5. "Trying to enjoy Splatoon 3’s story mode is like attempting to enjoy a meal with no seasoning - bland and devoid of flavor.
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I’m putting you in the desert of repetitive tasks


Playing Splatoon 3’s story mode is like watching paint dry, except you’re the one supposed to be painting."


That was genuinely funny

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I’m surprised Chatgpt made that acfually

I know it’s not socially acceptable to be really mean about somtehing somebody likes but I’ve been trapped in servers with people who love Splatoon 3 story mode for so long so I’m basically oppressed


would you say this is similar in nature to a famous book starting with 1

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It’s styilised “Nineteen Eighty-Four” actually

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i have to interact with people who like peter singer. you think you have it bad


Have you ever played Splatoon 3 story mode

Nothing could be worse than Splatoon 3 story mode



hackmons cup

These are the options available to me

my opponent forfeited right after their selection and didn’t even get to see just how bailed out they got that turn. hackmons cup is awesome

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