Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

widdershins??? twtbaw??? wifom???


there were 5 class periods in between tests! thatā€™s a lot of time to do things when the lectures are just over things in the book and not very well explained


Usually professor records videos where he teaches it and you need to watch before lecture

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I also got depressed which didnā€™t help. Having a much more worldly perspective now I know Iā€™ll need to spend every spare moment studying my ass off since tests are the entire grade and Iā€™ve never been great with them

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i finished that class with a 90.02 my gpa got BAILED

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Oh yea no I get that. I was actually so depressed those years I felt like 0 like consistently

anyway ironically enough my pdes class has been way lower intensity (albeit the fact that the prof does not care about homework deadlines is actually kinda kicking my ass) but i just. donā€™t know anything

Am I well-adjusted

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Tests suck, especially when I got really bad memory

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compared to who

I donā€™t know

Unironically the dead inside feel nothing strategy did help make it more tolerable tho

Iā€™m trying to determine if Iā€™m normal

I used to be able to do tests and not be nervous and barely study
after some (one?) close call though, now I get nervous and feel obligated to study a bit even for tests which realistically will be easy

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Compared to the arbitrary idea of being normal

Right now the plan is to go for the degree solely so I donā€™t forget what I learned. But I ever actually utilized my degree though I would definitely miss the kind of work I do now. Thereā€™s nothing like it. Itā€™s always physically or psychologically exhilarating, or both.

this seems like an un-May thought

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Oh yea I worry a lot, I do the same

I mean I dont think anyone is normal tbh

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ā€œnormalā€ doesnt exist