Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

went into test 1 of odes being like “oh a lot of this is just calc review i’ll be fine.” it kicked my ass

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you can be normal on some stuff, but not everything

Stop giving me the correct answer to my question

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i think it changed me as a person

I don’t want the correct answer that’s objcetively correct you can’t tell me correct things

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I had a lab final in a programming class and I totally would’ve done bad if it weren’t for reviewing how to do csvs in java hours before

Ok you are normal :+1:

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There’s also the question of if I’ll be able to function in a white collar environment. It will definitely be hard for me to let go of being able to yell at my colleagues.

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i got reminded recently of the fact that my intro cs class had. handwritten tests. like we had to handwrite the program, comments and all

your CS classes had labs?

it was beyond bizarre


lab exams are the hardest thing thbthbthtbhtb
way more stressful than any other type of exam

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Legit why tf do I need to know what the code outputs when I can RUN THE CODE

Legit I never had to do that, since I transfered all my credits for gen science requirements, so I never took a lab class in my life

for my lab midterm last semester, I got so nervous I forgot I could check if my code is right by running it

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I love looking at spreadsheets, filling out forms, having usually pointless meetings, and doing nothing

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and then having 1 week out of 3 months where its actual hell no sleep die time

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I can’t code to save my life, but my dad was interviewing with AWS. Not sure if he got the thing or or if the process is still ongoing or what

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