Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

i hate it when i don’t torture someone 100% correctly
i think the worst part is that sense that like
i wasn’t my best self today
i could have been better
as a torturer the drive to improve myself is core to my identity

- MRM Squelchersing


i mean can you imagine torturing someone and the only thing they’re left thinking is “man they were so bad at torturing me” that would eat me alive


This was regarding the subject of not S ranking the torture mission in an MGS game and like. Can you imagine getting a BAD GRADE in torture? Humiliating

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Not only have you fucked up the torture there’s someone GRADING you on torture and they SAW you do a bad job. And then told you about it

I would never recover

i’m pretty sure you’re the one being tortured in that game

Also fucked up. Imagine getting a bad grade in being tortured

You get tortured and then the person torturing you says you did a bad job of it

The dentist

That’s not true I get a good grade in dentist every time. But some of you

i have run out of things to do while waiting for magic bullet outis i physically cannot prepare for her any more right now

have you tried taking the wrong medicine

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Usually when I’m bored I’ll bite something for example my hand and arm


have you tried gum

I bought some at gocery store semi recently but then I ran out

i even did the annoying event where you have to grind for ten hours

they sell buckets that have 340 pieces in them

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if the spokane airport doesnt have omeprazole or famotidine im gonna explode

these are words that exist

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