Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

that seems likely yes

but also itā€™s a game

the cruelty you can choose to inflict onto the pals in the game is not meant to have any analogue to anything you would actually do in real life and itā€™s very clearly not trying to make any statements about inflicting cruelty onto animals or other people and thatā€™s okay

not everything needs to be making overt political statements to be ā€œvalidā€ or whatever

no it? fucking isnā€™t? it was a deliberate artistic chocie that plays an integral part of the gameā€™s fucking branding

the game will not shut up about how itā€™s ā€œOMG ITS POKEMONARKSHINIMPACT with GUNS and ANIMAL ABUSE and you can EAT THE ANIMALSā€

you cannot pretend it has no obligation to do anything with its literal fucking subject matter

yea i mean i feel like youā€™re discounting how the game was marketed for that take

palworld sex mod

Iā€™m not pretending

Iā€™m outright stating it has no obligation to do anything with its literal fucking subject matter

If youā€™re looking to have your perspective on real-world issues shaped or challenged by every piece of media you ever consume, then yes, Palworld is definitely not for you


im ngl i literally donā€™t even know what that word means

i hope thatā€™s ironic somehow

bestie its a palworld argument on the cookie thread with a guy from fucking michiganā€¦ u canā€™t just pull out that typa academic vocabulary


but ye nobody is claiming Palworld is high art that says a lot about real societal issues


and if you expected that for whatever reason then no shit you donā€™t like it

but at the end of the day if youā€™re offended by the concept of a game being designed to be fun to play above making a statement then you have to come to terms with the fact that most peopleā€¦ are not

and sometimes a game can be a ā€œgood gameā€ not because it says something deep, or because nothing in it has ever been done before, but because somebody out there decided to bring its elements together into one cohesive package to provide people with something they would find fun to engage with

i can when the other guy is making anti-intellectual arguments. also quite frankly thatā€™s the one time iā€™m ever going to get the opportunity to accurately describe the other personā€™s attitude towards the nature of art like that and iā€™m not going to give it up. itā€™s a funny word

some art says a lot about society

some art looks cool

both can be good

this should not be in contention

right but. sigh
the problem is that the game and itsā€™ marketing are heavily centered around shock value. even if you do not personally engage with the shocking elements, they are an ever-present gameplay option that shapes your experience by the active choice to not interact with it.

which at some point wraps right back around to saying something about the player and being high art again :P

orange do you not see how your argument is basically ā€œthe game is good if you donā€™t think about it :)ā€ and do you not see how that perspective is not one that can be held by all who engage with it

I think ā€œu can do something cuz u think it is cool and no other deeper reasonā€ is fine honestly idr see the issue with itā€¦ I think its edgy just to be edgy but thats not, like, the absolute worst thing ever.

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i heartily disagree on the first point, obviously itā€™s not the worst thing ever but i quite frankly think that i am not wrong to expect more of a game that prominently features dark subjects in itsā€™ marketing, gameplay, and so-on and so forth. things which actively make the game uncomfortable to play for many people!

they made it edgy so people would talk about it and it worked

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