Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

I don’t think people play huniepop because of it’s cutitng commentaries on how japanese history has created a unique sociocultural environment surrounding women

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oh my gods stop just.

it’s all I hear about the game without just actively looking into it

not everything has to be high art but things do have to treat their subject with care when it is the fucking beating, eating, and enslavement of animals!

how the fuck is this being framed as a snobbish opinion

because that’s not at all similar to what I’m saying

there are many aspects of the game that I would call good, you’re just choosing to decide they don’t count and only the things you dislike matter

ain’t on me :man_shrugging:

orange why is it every time you like something you sound like a complete advertisement at all times

oh god did i just walk into a warzone


kat hasnt scrolled down yet

when the pal is world

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I write a lot and am very direct with my thoughts

no you walked in on a mildly heated argument about the Philosophical Nature of Art as it relates to the “funny” animal cruelty meme game

im neurodivergent so thats basically just a warzone


if I ever make a piece of media i’m just gonna put the Ingredient That Makes Orange Like My Media into his water, and then have to spend 0 dollars on marketing


I mean

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and to be clear, i do not think that palworld treating an actual issue as just grist for the shock mill makes it morally permissable. it is allowed to exist.

i just think it makes the game bad and it means that i would heartily Unreccomend it

I think the game sucks because its gay ripoff pokemon for fucking losers

the combat in dark souls 4 is kinda mid but i really liked the solar car minigame, would recommend

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think of it this way. orange is the walking advertisement. i am the walking unadvertisement. we are much like yin and yang in this respect

i feel like the words “pokemon rimworld” as my friend had described sums up everything adequately without the need for an 8 page debate