Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

the worst part is I did well over the amount of creative writing required for that class. Like easily 5x the wordcount probably I just didn’t do any of it for the class because getting graded on my hobbies is really stressful to me.

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nah the lectures are recorded and she’s a good lecturer, I do strongly appreciate it though I might Come Back Later if i still dont get it


I’m ignoring sooo much shit right now


i have to know how to do derivatives unfortunately. shocking how differential equations make you do this

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the fact that i never actually paid attention in calc 3 is coming back to haunt me

you stem majors are fucking psychotic btw


calc 3 just calc 1 and 2 with an extra variable

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even a little bit of easy Calculus For Business and Economics Majors makes me want to cry. I fucking hate numbers why would you continue to do the whole Numbers thing


They’ve added a new dimension to calculus

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Excuse me not all stem majors are weird genius math nerds

I do basically no math tyvm

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Ans thank god for that

Fuck math

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This is what Blaseball was like every day

I had to look in a microscope today to guess what a bunch of fabrics were made out of and my eyes really hurt. and that made me cry too. but like not a sadness cry. still crying though. you’re just as weird



All the non-microscope-related crying strengthens my eyeballs

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i’m only good at numbers. the moment it has any real world applications i’m stunlocked

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