Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

You have to derive equations from first principles for entertainment it’s fun. If I have extra time on a math test I come up with as many different ways to either solve the problem or derive the way to solve the problem as possible


i had to learn physics in college because we spent the second half of physics building a plane. that we never actually got to fly


my one B in high school was because as a not good at hands on stuff person who just wanted to learn physics and was suffering from second semester senior during covid year syndrome, i refused to have any part in this

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I’m sure graders hate this. “What the fuck are these graphs for why are you trying to solve this graphically” My Entertainment

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i do too much math to take pleasure in doing extra math for no reason
desist at once

What the fuck else is there to do? Turn in the test and leave? I’ll be the first to turn in the test if I do that. It’s too scary. Can’t

I’m jealous of y’all math brained people
And impressed. Idk if deriving equations is even impressive but i’m impressed you’re welcome


Guy who in middle school had a running competition with the other kids in the class to turn in every quiz first, resulting in people fucking sprinting across the room and occasionally physically pushing each other out of the way to slap it down on the teacher’s desk first


I dont want to and or cant memorise them

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It’s a really fucked up form of laziness


i also don’t like differential equations that much because the computations are gross and computations in general don’t give me much joy anymore (except i do have a soft spot for modular arithmetic). proofs are all that sustain me

It was mostly 2 other kids fighting over which of them would turn it in first 'cause I always wanted to check over my work ahead of time but if I was confident on something I would calmly walk to turn it in before Either of them could sprint out of their fucking chair

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i can’t tell whether i’m actually math brained or not

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I read meth
You’re definitely meth brained


i was good at it but i was good at everything in school, i actually think i had to put the most effort into maths than anything else so maybe not

except german fuck german

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I’m just good enough that my laziness is endlessly rewarded but not good enough that I won’t eventually be fucked over by my lack of work ethic

Severe untreated ADHD. Same difference

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(also math is the major where you have to write the fewest essays and i hate writing essays. they’re too open ended there’s too much to do)