Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

thats so adorable hahaha

im listening to a youtube video of adolf hitler singing chipi chipi chapa chapa using AI taking samples of his real voice

Honkai 2.0 is out.
I shall be completely inaccessible for all of today and tomorrow.


@tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu @tutuu


Thats so me :weary:

My tummy is rumbling i havent eaten in a while

Hello there marissa … Wanna hang out? …

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I will spay you with a water hose


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I have mixed feelings about marshal liking my dad


What about in regards to your respective maternal figure.

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One of my alts offsite is Greg Hirsch.

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What if marissa becomes your new mom? Imagine that


I recommend joining 1 minion SnV once signups start on Unofficial server.

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just built a 3 storey 16x16 house in minecraft using like all my wood. it is several thousand blocks away from my actual house. luckily i already built a nether highway to it. however since I only got ender pearls after finishing the highway it is a path built mostly over lava pools. ghasts were so much fun why do i do this to myself


like this isnt even the kind of house i usually build. i like building things into the ground. extremely functionalistic until you find the secret entrance which has a secret entrance which has a secret entrance which has a



like my old world where i lived on an island. i had this one 5x5 hole. which led into 5 surrounding 5x5 holes. and it looked nice but it was pretty much entirely for work. full enchanting full anvils several furnaces and chests etc etc
but behind my map there was the library. and if you put a switch on the cracked bricks in the library it opens up into the cellar. but if you instead put it on the other cracked bricks and then open the barrel you end up in the jail. and if you go to the back of the cellar and click a certain barrel you end up in the sewers. but if you instead go to the mines you can stand on top of the shulker itll push you into it and youll end up in the mines. and from the mines you can go to the geode or find the secret lava switch and go to the sanctuary. and in the sanctuary if you throw an item into the water duct itll open a secret door to the bedroom. and underneath the pillow in the bedroom theres the safe room. and the safe room as several underground boat tunnels that lead to my not-secret mines, which itself has a boat tunnel to eastport, but you can also go the other way to go to otherside naturally. theres also a secret tunnel in the fireplace to my ex girlfriends room. however if you go back to the mines theres a secret button that takes you to the dream room. theres several other unfinished passageways, such as filling up the cauldron in the jail and then opening the chest, throwing an item into one of the sewer ducts in the sewer, finding the secret button in the bedroom and in the library etc. theres also several other hidden passageways to get out of each of the places. you generally cant go back the same way. rant over i really fucking loved that minecraft world

that world outlasted multiple friendships and relationships its crazy. if not a little horrifying. because occasionally id find a sign or something from someone back then. i always felt weird removing stuff like that so i uh. didnt. pretty much everyones stuff remained. like otherside has a mansion on it which was my ex bfs. I dont go there unless im servicing the highways but i leave it the way i found it always. one time i was there, when i was doing some maintenance and thinking about what to do with it and a creeper exploded the entire entrance. so i just rebuilt it the best I could. A pigeon is currently trying to get into the bird house and hes so big and trying so hard hes so cute

The world β€œended” after the seed corrupted and any new chunks loaded would bug out. given my last big project left was the mapping project i decided that was the place to close