Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

May do you like metal

Therss gotta be someone on the forums who also likes it

Honestly yea metal can taste good


having a normal gaydar also lets you find woodwinds fairly easily


How mischievous~

Donā€™t hurt yourself

(Unless I tell you to :smiling_imp: )


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Huh? How come?

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Especially if like you tend to be the type to forget about hunger & shit. Everybody needs food in roughly similar amounts. If you donā€™t feel hungry often compared to others, it probably does not mean you do not need to eat as often. It probably means either your hunger signals are more subtle (often due to medication or similar) or you are good at ignoring them.

But they do still exist. And you should learn them! Itā€™s important! Before I get, like, normalguy hunger pains I get bored more easily. I tend to want to chew on random things. My hands get slightly weaker. It is going to be different for everybody. But if you pay some attention to, like, how you feel before and after eating and try to identify little differences. Looking up hunger symptoms and trying to spot their subtler forms can also help. You will make progress and at the very least it will be easier to keep up with yourself and get work done. ā€œIā€™m completing tasks more slowlyā€ is also a sign of hunger for me. More awareness is good


I hunger


For battle

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May reminding me i should probably eat food today
Thanks May


yea my favorite song is-

oh wait


donā€™t trip on acid
your legs could dissolve


Also somrtning important to remember is our bodies are really good at adapting to environments, itā€™s why we got to here, but like

if you donā€™t eat a lot, your body will stop making you feel hungry even when you should be hungry, you will have a harder time eating because u taught ur body that thereā€™s not much food so might as well save the effort


Oh and a big one for me: helps you catch being sick earlier and therefore be disabled less by it, since you can start, like, making sure to keep up with drinking water and getting more rest before it even starts. And prevent injuries, since you can be more careful around straining something thatā€™s already showing early signs of hurting.

Training yourself to ignore pain is something often treated as an admirable trait. It might let you get more done in the short run. But itā€™s gonna get you hurt in the long term. Nobody is that far from disability or chronic illness, and consistently ignoring bodily signals significantly increases the danger there!! I would know!!


I wanted to save time, so I trained myself

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and now I can just eat 1 normal sized meal and be good all day

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helps lose weight to

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we are both doing a lot of damage to our bodies


See I cannot say I recommend that