Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

I keep forgetting Marshal is taking an unofficial month break. I don’t even know the context behind it!


This is you. You’re always excited to be part of the convo. You never seem to understand what the convo is about. But you are eager to be part of it nonetheless. How adorable.

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I always love to speak

Unfortunately, I am in communities that use horrendous abbreviations that make my head spin, I hate always asking people what things mean :(


Do the NSFW rules prevent the posting of Eminem’s WORST freestyle

(Note: I would like to clarify that this is a joke and they almost certainly do not, in case you were imagining it as much worse than it is)


Imagine me bombarding the convo with TWTBW, WIFOM, Lost Wolf to people that have no idea!!!

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“Tell me tell me tell me tell me!!!”

Just like my cousin when we were younger. He’s 7 years younger than me. “My turn to play my turn to play my my my!!!”

I think I’m siding with “the guy” here. Any app of this kind should store the relevant data in a database (my school would probably even have us add an API).

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Even Jane has a knack for computer language? All nerds, I am telling you!

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I don’t mind that but I would have appreciated clearly communicated requirements. We aren’t even specifically software engineering students. We are hybrid between coding and graphic design. I placed a lot more weight into the visual representation of the app

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Programmers especially should be very literal. They should know. That you have to be literal. If you want things to work!


We are also full stack developers. Mobile apps, desktop apps, websites, ui, databases, api we learn pretty much everything. (even ai, though we had to use MLnet which I hated)

I also learned that education in The Netherlands is much, much more lax than here when we cooperated with the University of Amsterdam.


I saw a programmed game once that were running while loops each time you opened a certain door and it kept stacking until it froze

The brightest minded ideas in history

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Okay you live in the DECENT west, obviously your education is proper

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Weren’t you already studying in the Netherlands?

No I’m from Belgium :belgium:

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The flemish part

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i don’t understand why anyone would ever willingly learn programming


Your chocolate sucks as an ice cream flavor, sorry to say

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