Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

how wolf sided was it iyo

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but you didn’t d-

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Town is gonna keep losing mashes by this sheer nature unless they’re compensated in lategames (town catchup roles that die by the end of N4 don’t count).


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yeah I don’t subscribe to that, but rather push for wolf teams whose power requires wolfing (social risks) or just mechanical risks in general and has more limitations to some extent whereas the village roles tend to be more unrestricted and individually powerful

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After reading their posts it’s mor ressonable

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Was anyone close to adopting Harold

pound for pound i dont think it was wolfsided

with that said its def possible that it was on the merit of “theres 50 people in wolfchat so wolves have a massive organization advantage and this snowballs hard later on”, which i think we tried to account for in balance but its certainly possible we underestimated it. and also possible that we were a bit unprepared for the sheer size (our original estimate was 150-160)

but a lot of the wolf KP was intentionally somewhat conditional/give or take (example being the wolf caroler vig which had to give out a carol and vig within it, or the dayvig that required the player to be cased in a wallpost prior to shooting them, or the wolf vig that was. just a loud vig)

i do think that there are nuggets of truth within his complaints, fwiw, i just think the way hes going at it was kinda annoying and a lot of his complaints are just not good lol

no, us hosts had to do it instead


to clarify this vig could only shoot villagers, shot multiple PRs, and endgamed with like 80 posts total

I would argue that large games are inherently maf-sided by virtue of town members being far more like to feel like they’re drowning in a torrent of information.


i agree i just meant specifically that we (hosts) underestimated how much this would come into play in a game that big

either way

im bored @tutuu why are you cassie mcfluff


i mean killing the desperado was strongly influenced by wolves, do not steal credit from them on that front. First 4 votes on the wagon at end of day were wolves. Joey could sense people were getting restless and wanted an alternative, so he gave it to them, and when manti started giving people doubts, silverkeith went absolutely balls to the wall in burying her. That was not just them screwing up, wolves pushed them into that outcome.


how much of the mash did u read catbae, didnt realize u knew so much…


i read every post obviously, since i was spectating and had a lot of time to do it


lmao follow maribwil on tumblr thatas a hilarious one guys


wait how did neil the eel inspire arcy

neil the eel inspires us all with its eeling and stuff

huh? I was just saying that sometimes the voice I heard was just delusional, and not really a small gnome in my head


I watched three videos on vocal training, and then I got anxiety over how much effort it was.





I will get it down eventually


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