I’m in a dimma
I haven’t slept in a day BUT I want to read light novels
So I was thinking
What’s the worse that can happen not sleeping twice in a row
Don’t tell may she would get mad at me
nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how can you function at all
As in right now, or in without two days of sleepG
right now
if I didn’t sleep for a whole day I’d be so out of it
even when I’m on low sleep it’s terrible
I was really tired and had to lean against things a couple time but then my body realized I’m awake for a purpose (to work) and decided sleeping is for nerds
I’m basically working fine rn
your body hasnt caught up to the fact youre exhausted
Oh trust me it has
I was really tired for a moment
sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep and take a melotonin maybe
I’m working
working on what ;flushed;
I’m working on you
zugzwang isnt a robot
he’s a cat