Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Nothing good

When you hatch a Flight Rising egg and you get dogshit hten the stupid gay baby is stuck in your lair and you have to dela with htem and I never do so I just have a bunch of shame htaches lying around. Lemme check how much I have

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Currently have 35 I haven’t gotten rid of, which is 7000g, which would cost $70,

And I toss the real bad ones so probably double that in recent times

ive always been tempted to see if i can get ahold of it medicinally even tho im not really interested in it at all

but just to see if i can. im sure i can give it to someone who’d want it

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It’s “free” for me because I get all my money with art but I still worked for that and threw it away

have u seen that highlighter vape thing


Friend of mine currently has 280 and I’m sure that’s only because they’d run out of room with more

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I have a particular axe to grind on this topic. I used to work in a public defender’s office in Florida, and inmates get charged something like $50 per day they’re in jail. Or rather, per day they’re sentenced and they’re still expected to pay the full amount even if they’re released early on parole. That’s about $20,000 per year so someone released from a 5 year sentence now owes the state $100,000 at least. Depending on the specific case and charges involved, they may owe a lot more. You’re lucky if you actually get convicted and owe less than 5 figures.

Anyway, you get released from jail and you’re directed back to the courthouse to set up a payment plan. This payment plan is determined by the state, and the amount is non-negotiable. If you don’t pay on time, you’ll find your driver’s license suspended very quickly. Driving is often the only way you have to get to work, and if your license is suspended, you have to have a friend or loved one drop you off and pick you up or use public transportation. I can tell you from firsthand experience that public transportation is not very good in FL, and you’re lucky if you live in an area that even has buses. And if you have a criminal record, good luck getting a job that isn’t minimum wage. You can make minimum required payments if you have a minimum wage, but good luck paying for much else. If you have kids or child support payments you can fucking forget about paying for everything lmao.

The most common charges I saw while working there were some flavor of possession and Driving While License Suspended (DWLS) which was near universally because of missed payments for a prior drug charge. The system was getting people into it from drug charges, and then getting them in a loop where they come back in for a DWLS. That racks up more fines they have to pay, fines they already demonstrated they could not pay in the first place. The DWLS cases were just so, so, so, so often because they were driving to work. It was just the same fucking story over and over again. People trapped under a mountain of debt with no way out even though they were trying to do the right thing. I don’t blame these people to resorting to substance abuse tbh.

You might be saying to yourself that this sounds fucked up, and we shouldn’t throwing people in jail because of debt. the Supreme Court of the United States agrees with you (re: Williams v. Illinois, Tate v. Short, Bearden v. Georgia). However, suspending someone’s license for failure to pay a fine and then throwing them in jail for driving with a suspended license isn’t technically throwing them in jail for debt, and this practice either passed judicial review or no one has mustered a constitutional challenge to it. You also might be wondering why the system is setup this way, and I would direct your attention to the fact that US carceral population is used for effectively slave labor being paid pennies on the dollar. $0.14-0.63 per hour. Source (How much do incarcerated people earn in each state? | Prison Policy Initiative):

Major companies that use US prison labor include (list not exhaustive):

  1. Walmart
  2. McDonald’s
  3. Wendy’s
  4. Starbucks
  5. Verizon

Those are only the big recognizable brand names I found within 2 minutes. Slavery is alive and well.


orange I’m going to be real I think one sounds more evil than other and it’s not the weed

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like that sounds absolutely egil

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Being forced to learn how to mediate as a kid made me terribly afraid of engaging with people


oh god dammit I can’t read


ingore that


we will ingore that


Litten makes fun of somebody for a typo


I’m not making fun of them, I’m just being a good pal and ingoring it


i just got back from the supermarket i got:


at home i already have oats honey and sugar which ill combine with the milk in a crafting recipe

ill try to eat more. and try to work out. i hope i will. from tomorrow. pull day, then push day. need to check exercises. i have a bench at home and dumbells. i just need to not be lazy

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for the gazillionth time… in american history… slave labor

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