Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

If it’s a joke I don’t find it funny


no I seriously don’t understand…

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has anyone fumbled a bigger bag than Palestine did in 1947 (un deal was rejected by Palestine)

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Okay. In 1916 during WWI, the UK made an agreement (McMahon-Hussein Correspondence) with the Arab people in part of the Ottoman Empire (Ottoman Syria) that if they started a revolt, the UK would grant them independence after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. The Arabs held up their end up the bargain, starting a revolt, the British forces were then able to drive out the Ottoman occupiers, but “shockingly” the UK did not hold up their end of the bargain and in fact never planned to. Also in 1916, the UK and France had signed a secret treaty (Sykes-Picot Agreement) to divide the territories in the former Ottoman Empire up under British and French control (Russia and Italy were both in on it and got some of the territory for themselves). To add insult to injury, not only was the UK not going to give the Arab people the independence they fought for, in 1917 the UK made the Balfour Declaration, announcing the support for the creation of a Jewish nation state in Palestine.

Quick side note about Arthur Balfour, British politician and foreign secretary when the Balfour Declaration was issue, he had this to say about Zionism, that it would:

mitigate the age-long miseries created for Western civilization by the presence in its midst of a Body [the Jews] which it too long regarded as alien and even hostile, but which it was equally unable to expel or to absorb.

Real piece of shit.

So anyway, in 1920 the territory known as Mandatory Palestine and the League of Nations required that the UK both put into the effect the Balfour Declaration with the local Palestinians who were overwhelmingly the ones actually living in the region. The next approximately 3 decades featured a lot of civil unrest and nationalism in both the Palestinian and Jewish immigrant communities. Then UN deal that begnuined alluded to gave more than half the land to the Jews despite there being over twice as many Palestinians. The Palestinians thought it was pro-Zionist (Jewish nationalism), and rejected it because they (justifiably) viewed it as their land. The Zionists generally celebrated the deal, and viewed it as a necessary step to gaining control of the entire region (look at the picture I posted earlier of 1949-1967 and then 2000 to see that plan to seize more land in action). The Palestinians rejected the deal, and this led to a civil war.

The war led to the creation of the state of Israel, and the parts of what would become the modern State of Palestine in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank although those territories were under the control of Egypt and Jordan at the time. Skipping ahead, there’s been a lot more conflict and politicking which lead to the contemporary situation of the Gaza Strip and West Bank being a unified political entity, but under Israeli occupation and with land being repeatedly annexed or otherwise seized by Israel and then settled by Israeli citizens.

People want Palestine to be free because they see the Palestinian people being lied to, having their land giving to immigrants without their consent, and then given a deal which gives the minority population half the size of the majority population a majority of the land as being various kinds of fucked up. They see Israel’s brutal apartheid rule of the State of Palestine as also fucked up and wrong. They see Israel’s continued systematic violence against Palestinians and naked conquest of Palestinian land as fucked up and wrong.

And a quick note: this is not to say there isn’t violence on “both sides”, but it’s important to remember that oppression inevitably leads to violence against the oppressors by the oppressed, and the only way to break the cycle of violence without eradicating one side is to end the oppression. It’s also important to remember that the violence is in not equivalent in scale and that it’s important to remember which side has the backing of some of the most powerful nations in the world and which side is under the heel of their boot.


The deal was fucked.

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help shes writing walls again



Im a pro at being a noun.


Just had a dream which had a beginning that was embarrassing and I shan’t recount it but in the later half of the dream somebody found a student from my high school, who was a kind of fish now, and hollowed out his brain to replace it with their own control.

And his body was like oh thank god that guy’s brain is gone now he was the worst. New management here’s a detailed control panel to do whatever you want and also some stress balls in case you get bored. Like the body did not want to be under its own mind’s control in the slightest. He must have been dumb to be turned into a fish…


I mean he wasn’t turned Into the large fish so much as having always been that. I was unsurprised to find him a fish. That was just his form

I’m just so fascinated by the concept of removing someone’s entire nervous system so that you can control them. And their body disliking its former host so much that it’s like yeah sounds good here’s some entertainment while you’re at it


It was not really a bloodthirsty dream! I was not killing anybody! A middle school teacher had become some kind of evil magic dictator and was hunting us down so we hid in the fish kid’s body

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What modes should I put on in this game of Civ VI
There’s Barbarian Clans, Dramatic Ages, Heroes and Legends, Monopolies and Corporations, and Secret Societies

I had a dream my family put a remote bomb in my skull and blew my brains out, weirdest part was I stayed alive ;-;


school blocked the video, I am unable to watch it



well you do have to go to youtube itself, can’t watch it embedded on this site

if it’s blocked beyond that it’s just the age restriction, gg