Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Death to the British

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Copypastas used to be iconic.

They used to be the funniest shit you’ve ever read or the most insane wall to ever be posted in a game. Now it’s whatever fucking mildly entertaining post a user thinks should be copied as a one of joke.

Utterly banal.

I wish for a pox upon MU and adjacent communities for cheapening the value of copypastas. I know some chucklefuck will copy this as well, and jokes on them, I writing this part for the express purpose of calling attention to the need to copypasta. If you copy it, I win. If you don’t copy it, I win.

One day mafia players will get over their addiction, I yearn for the day. I hope that copypastas regain their value and iconic nature. I fear that they never will. That we will be stuck with only a few greats and infinitely many cheap knockoffs, reposted once, maybe twice. Absolutely tragedy, the death of the copypasta.

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Copypastas used to be iconic.

They used to be the funniest shit you’ve ever read or the most insane wall to ever be posted in a game. Now it’s whatever fucking mildly entertaining post a user thinks should be copied as a one of joke.

Utterly banal.

I wish for a pox upon MU and adjacent communities for cheapening the value of copypastas. I know some chucklefuck will copy this as well, and jokes on them, I writing this part for the express purpose of calling attention to the need to copypasta. If you copy it, I win. If you don’t copy it, I win.

One day mafia players will get over their addiction, I yearn for the day. I hope that copypastas regain their value and iconic nature. I fear that they never will. That we will be stuck with only a few greats and infinitely many cheap knockoffs, reposted once, maybe twice. Absolutely tragedy, the death of the copypasta.


among us


Im not joining in a protest because Apo was ironic when writing that.the funniest copypastas are unironic when somebody is genuinely livid


I win either way


Shut up dummy


I genuinely do hate the copypasta addiction

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unsolicited explanation: everyone i put in “the end” for my fyf tierlist is someone who i imagine to have great power but makes the conscious decision to leash it somehow (whether by nominating a dead player or by saying nya a lot)


im not paying attention anymore im distracted by marble blast. marble blast would be the best game of all time if it wasnt garbage


tbh it’s kind of unfair to wolves that marl got tracked

like imagine being a wolf and defending marl d1 a ton while making a joint plan to miseliminate chloe and then pulling it off (a big feat, she’s really good at the game and one of our biggest threats) and have him more or less be a consensus villager only for somebody you were planning to miselim turning out to be tracker with a red on marl. This is totally hypothetical btw but if I were hypothetically a wolf in this situation I would find it really unfair that TWICE IN A ROW I GOT $%#!ING BUTTON CLICKED mechanically taking a very winning position into a tougher one. It’d absolutely ruin my hypothetical day.

therefore we should kill min to make it more fair

that was all hypothetical btw




I am also terminally irony poisoned

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What I’ve learnt here is that you’re all bad at the game of standard mafia yet you think you’re all geniuses who can outsmart the other people at the table. Newsflash: you probably can’t outwit the other people at the table because the other people at the table are also smart.


yall are posting like theres a cookie. Just spamming for the love of the game


there is a cookie. the threadname is a joke, start spamming

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Dumbass mafia don’t understand subtly so let me spell it out for you. You need to target me with an investigative ability. One of you $%#!s targeted me on a previous night. Figure it out. My infiltration ability failed, so that is the only option left and you need me in there ASAP. I am out of money, so I cannot make any more moves on my own. I do not know what it did, but 1-2 of you per night should have been made unblockable. I do not get feedback on this action, so I hope you made good use of it. Now, it is entirely possible that my secret message got blocked or something, so if that’s the case, we might have an entirely new problem.

My last action was making you-know-who macho. If you do not know who you-know-who is then all hope is lost and we should honestly just give up. Oh, and I better not see any bussing. We’re behind enough as is.


Cookies aren’t real

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