Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

This is a good one

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To all the people meeting me for the first time, hello there! I am Jaiden, the great deceiver! If you were planning to read me this game, I suggest you stop now. Or don’t. I’ll win either way. If there is one thing I am well known for it is being hard to read and if you ever think you have a lock on me it is SHEER LUCK. For the record, I do plan on using the entirety of the post cap per day. I will be getting the full Morbtainado experience. I have already watched Morbius™ 172 times in preparation for this, using 2 monitors, 2 phones, 2 TVs and a Wii U™ gamepad via a pirated copy of the movie in 180p I found on Reddit™. I am fearless. I am prepared. I am Jaiden. In all honesty, I expected this game to take a while to start, I’m fairly used to delays snowballing given my home communities. It is quite a nice change of pace to have games start on time. Also to note, I have also already adjusted to this site’s customs, and I will be fitting in very, very well. Each and every post I make will be completely serious with just a hint of sass and you will love every second of it. My last game was a fluke on the scum side. While I did have very good reads (as always) putting the scum down to 3 people, I was not able to use my wit and charming personality to sway the votes of the people due to me not knowing Zorvo’s true identity. If I knew who Zorvo was I would’ve immediately gotten them hammered. They would’ve went from most likely scum to lockscum. My reads on them are flawless. You will not be seeing such inaccuracies from me ever again. I will be reading every single post and I will have flawless opinions for every single post. I will be playing at 100% with no drawbacks. No setbacks. No handicaps. I will be causing pure destruction perfectly reading every single scum in the game. Without reading a single post I can tell you who the scum are: thepigeonnyc and Apocryphal. That is just how good I am. Speaking of my Wii U™ gamepad, did you know when I started playing forum mafia I played on just that? A Wii U™ gamepad? If you ever see a post from me anywhere from before late 2019 it was written with a stylus. In my opinion that’s one of the best ways to play mafia. In the old days me and my fellow gentlepeople would play mafia by sending round a notebook via mail. I always won. My handwriting was simply too impeccable to lie against. If I could use my fountain pen in this thread? I would’ve won before the game started. You may of noticed I only have talked about my townplay. That is for one simple reason. I am town, and if I wasn’t town I would still be indistinguishable from town. If you have 2 computers, and on one computer there is a person talking to you live and in the other is a perfect AI replica of that person with memories and all, you have to treat them both like they’re the real person. This is the same as me as scum in mafia. You must treat me as town as to anyone but myself I am town. My mafia play is just that good. As for my other scum tricks, it is for the best I don’t tell you them. Don’t want to give you all ideas that you can defeat me, do I? News flash: You can’t. You have lost and I have won. As for the people I do know in this game, I doubt any of you read any of that. That’s why I put this at the end. So you would see it. I request you stay out my way. That is all. I will now read up on the thread so I will see you all shortly. Thank you. Good day.

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Begin the game with a copypasta, vote sleep/vote someone you know because of an inside joke, try to get the thread to vote a meme wagon, throw out a couple of meta based reads on someone you know, get into a small argument about minutiae before backing off, another meme vote, develop a read you feel strongly attached to and spend the rest of the day going with the consensus except for that one read you feel strongly about which you defend to the death.

Every FoLer, every game. It’s why I can never tell them apart.

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Morbtainado jumpscare

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I used to play mafia on a wii u


The fact that I got n1’d in that game lived in my brain rent free

Why did you hate yourself

I didn’t have a phone

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When I did have a phone I wasn’t allowed it in my room

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It was so dumb that it fucking ate its phone

Mobile posting is still hating yourself

(Says the mobile poster. Who posted most of her recent games from her phone.)

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I’m taking away your pronoun priviledges

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I got N2ed! And hten N1ed the next game! And then that was the last time anybody respected my townplay nearly enough to nightkill me

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Barring FAM4! I have to update my line. Barring FAM4. Where I got like N5ed.

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“the dark” gave me the least to work with mechanically so everyone in that tier is someone who is/i could imagine as a sleep paralysis demon. or a weird nightmare figure. since i’m pretty sure that’s the vibes it’s going for

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i remember flicker fm fondly

Getting killed at night is a skill issue

Be the elimination or ita’d or bust