Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Yeah its really good. I also love a rush of blood to the head


ive done one of these one time and I won and felt awesome

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those are probably basic bitch coldplay opinions but they mine

I really enjoy ssl but i forget so i dont play it

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I like radiohead

Some may argue I enjoy it because im good at it. This is true

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i just don’t listen to most mainstream music

you do?

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this describes a lot of people i think

i entirely agree, like even if u dont think u are u defintley are even if its a positive or negative bias

im very aware of the fact (and even wrote an essay over it for an ap test lmao) that i have an unconscious bias against christians bc of the way christian people have used their religion to oppress queer people and have also tried to force me personally to act a certain way i don’t really want to act

being aware of that bias though is the ebst way to actually fight it, and knowing what biases you have, how strong they have, and why you have them is extremely effective in counteracting their effects in your brain (so i’ve found to work for myself)

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fuck theres a nerd in the lobby eliza

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if you can pull off complete objectivity all the time then I bow before you




level 39 in the chat

the guy with a 2.5k ratign and 300k gears

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oh fair

isnt that the owner

lol i forgot to say it but yday i learned that my mormon classmate is incredibly progressive
i was very surprised