Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

holy shit

i think there’s a Good Number of gen z progressive mormons?

but i think the church is going in the opposite direction

No thats kchamp i tink

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never said i could
youre making a massive blanket statement that’s objectively untrue

i cant tell if im unbiased because your argument is subconscious; its like if i tried to argue that somebody is a fool to them with no evidence, they dont think so because they are

gwen stefani

started out making awesome top 5 oat rock music
near end of rock career got too mainstream & overproduced and fell off in quality
then went REALLY mainstream and produced and made top 5 pop music oat

i love gwen stefani if u couldnt tell



He’s in that one live action isekai

i hope this results in a large number of them leaving. actually i think it already has

chloe do you like radiohead

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damn perfect reply woulda been the next line… oh well

i love thinking of a joke after its too late

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there is this one specific thing you like so much but i cant judge you coz i also have my very specific things i like talking about and i keep talking about them

oh yeah youre that weirdo whos fav is hail to the thief


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I strongly believe that it’s impossible to avoid having biases if one has the capacity for thought
It’s less that I’m making a blanket statement and more that the core of my belief applies to the entire group

I don’t think there is an edge case



my fav was httt for a while now its kid a

chloe can I speak now it’s been a bit :(


i do this soooooooo much online and its very annoying
irl im very good at improv jokes and im the Funny Friend but online i have too much time to think and end up overthinking then missing obvious jokes
life is pain


the toxic reentering my body after i play ssl one time