Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

they have to play for evil until they know for sure the carny is down. i guess

this user believes -0 is different from 0


that being said turnkey can just infinitely protect the demon until that happens omegalul

And imagine somebody turning that outsider evil

@tutuu Fight

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i have such a fascination for homebrew botc scripts. maybe i should actually constructively put these criticisms where the script creator is likely to see them

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nvm someone else is typing in that channel now it’s their problem

I also really love homebrew botc scripts. They also tend to be really insane (isnțt that true Atlas)

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almost forgot to mention this townsfolk that trivializes the turnkey (among other things it serves as a middle finger towards)

uh erm actually, the - denotes the mathematical symbol for “subtraction”, not a negative sign, therefore denoting that zero outsiders are subtracted from the script. This is evidenced by the fact that the “-1” denotes “subtract 1”, and not “negative one”

Sorry, liberals.


This is a horrible countermeasure

You shouldnțt make roles specifically to counter one role

stoolpigeon: “nooo you can’t execute the demon day 1 and win the game too fast i’m literally a role designed for basically that exact purpose”
turnkey: “yeah you definitely can’t do that i explicitly told you they can’t” stares at the carny breathing down their neck
gaffer: “thog don’t caare”


Maybe the homebrewer is really passionate but has no valid foundation to work on. Is this script on the homebrew forum thinghie?

The twilight experience

who are you again?


silviu i am in the middle of trying to put together a small homebrew game on this site


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Presumably a conservative in fur clothing

okay the person typing has said the take that stowaway is “kinda outsidery” because they’re not super impactful if they miss (the fact that they cleared a player from being the demon apparently nonwithstanding because snake charmer is better at it)

let’s just ignore that they win the game for the good team if they hit

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seemingly no comments about the barmaid, which much more immediately strikes me as an outsider (okay granted it can drunk outsiders/minions and rule out a demon type)