Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


Spellstrike v2

When you make a weapon attack or unarmed strike as part of your attack action, you may cast a cantrip or leveled spell that takes 1 action to cast and requires a spell attack roll. This casting will be done as part of your attack, using the same result. If you cast a cantrip, subtract one damage die if you are level 5 or higher.

You may also use Spellstrike when making weapon attacks as a Bonus Action or Reaction, but you may not cast a leveled spell when doing so.

After you use Spellstrike, you gain Arcane Fatigue which prevents you from using Spellstrike until it fades. Arcane Fatigue fades at the start of your turn, when you forego an attack as part of your attack action to end it, cast a spell using your bonus action, or expend a Rune of Power.

where Runes of Power are a limited resource that recharge on a long rest that can be used for this + maybe something else

alright I’m satisfied with this

Unique spells this class gets can have rider effects on top of the damage like ‘you move for some number of spaces’ or ‘minor control effect’ or ‘AoE’

it’s like anime shit

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That’s when I last really followed Minecraft updates


minecraft stopped updating after 1.12.2 because after that the updates were CRINGE

FUCK YOU 1.13 AND 1.14

I remember I got a Minecraft book in, like, seventh grade and was utterly shocked to learn that Shields were added. It felt like an affront to the simplicity of the original game.
Nowadays, I think the best Minecraft update is whatever update you started playing at, and everything else after that should be burned at the stake.


the content bloat is the MODDER’S JOB

not sure how to word this to prevent ‘additional attacks part of your attack action’ that some things like weapon masteries in onednd give
I could just use clunky wording but bleh

I think making spellstrike a second level feature helps deal with ‘multiclass into this to get spellstrike and then dip’
or making it work off only magus spells and cantrips or making it only usable on spells with tags why are there no tags in 5e what the hell

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I like content being bloated in minecraft, I don’t get why people think it’s the modder job, Minecraft having new things in the base game to experiment with makes sense in an sandbox game


i don’t like it personally but that’s just me


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im p sure alpha 1.2 is not my favorite version lmao

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idk in my mind minecraft is just a simple game meant to be. simple

but also i don’t like survival anyways so

minecraft is so crushingly simple that survival suffers for it


if you’re playing exclusively on creative tho
fuck yeah use the new blocks

recently notified of a guy who for ten years straight; would walk a couple hours in a beta verision to find when the game breaks from manually walking
they calculated it would take 30 years
it’s been 10


holy shit

I started playing during alpha. Spiders weren’t in the game when I started playing. Hell, I played before Survival existed. This isn’t true for me, and I don’t understand why people don’t want new things added to the game or like what the complaint is with the blocks they’ve been adding.