Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


His sister is the one with the charitable foundation in her name that her mom runs

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only if it wouldn’t be late for work


i remember that
damn i wish my parents were rich thatd make life so much easier


Oh yeah go to your Ivy. At least I can. Well I was going to make fun of them for not knowing how the world works but for unrelated reasons I also probably am pretty bad in that regard




I’m better at posting than those cousins.


And my father has driven me into the ocean in a hurricane 0 times while their father has done this to me 1 time. And who knows how many times he’s done it while I wasn’t in the car

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you’ve probably won more mafia games than any of them


Rich people car feature that exists, per my family who were in their car: the seats slide back and forth during turns so that you feel like you’re steady in your seat rather than having forces on you? Apparently it kind of sucks

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well you see hurricanes can’t kill rich people. might as well live a little


im glad my parents arent rich money is the ultimate excuse.

“sorry i cant go to school in TX i have a better scholarship elsewhere”

“sorry I cant go to that restaurant its out of my price range”

“yeah dude id totally buy this 29.99 Visual Novel set in 1804 Conneticut where the main characters are lesbian cats. unfortunately I dont really got the funds”

rich ppl will never know how nice it is to be able to say ur broke as an excuse.



i found some notes on the math and according to past me if i had all my damage modifiers multiplying eachother and reached full potential (that shit’s not happening :joy_cat: the leveling system is ass) i should have done around 50 thousand damage


coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb

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If you’re neurotic enough it doesn’t matter how much money it is you can just obsessively not spend it

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i can justify eating taco bell on price and not just cuz it tastes fucking incredible.

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I’m winning tonignt goodnight

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