Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

yeah but now i have to pay for university by myself so like



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my god

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get on that grindset bestie!! become an RA or sum shit, do work study, etc.

WCS transfer to somewhere cheaper u got dis

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the hell is an RA

me praying for that national merit thing :pray:

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can’t imagine doing something as terrifying as going to sleep at a reasonable time

resident advisor. ppl in dorms who live there for free but have to basically make sure 15-20 college kids dont die so its a bit of a difficult job


resident advisor. you have to look after all the freshies in your hall don’t do it (unless you’re desperately in need of free room and board)


free room and board would go so fucking hard ill prob do that asap

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you do also probably have to suck up to the right people


might have to wait a year but i doubt its competitive at all so you can do that for years 2-4.

also typically get all food comped. and looks good on resume.

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genuinely it would be very based if this happened but there are no new indications of if i make it or not last i checked so :wowee:

My mom fact: my mom would sneak into college parties in high school despite, you know, not attending college, and nobody would bat an eye

May fact: I attended college classes in high school and did not go to any parties and in college proper I have not gone to any parties or really talked to anybody or done anything.

This has been May Irony Facts


My RA was literally never sober and did nothing ever and still got the free shit

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see i will simply like Do The Minimum and probably be fine

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im doing RHA (residence hall association) b/c I also get room and board for free, but instead of having to look after the fine youth of Wazzu i get to manage a large budget n shit which is nicer.


i cant belive wazza has kids… how time flies…

it doesn’t really matter if it sucks bc the money i save from doing that is insane, like less loans to take out? yes pls

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