Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

anyways ive gotta sleep. goodbye cookie thread

yeah i don’t actually go to parties gg

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parties are lame anyway (<-- person who did not get invited to parties)


is this a real visual novel. I am assuming not but I figured I would Check


do you count ‘you and your friends play jackbox or some shit’ as a party

yeah makes sense

if ur really antsy check the PSAT reddit come september, they will have it before anyone else

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thats just called hanging with friends

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This was made by the illustrator that my friends really like. Who did Fu Ji. It’s incredible how she’s responsible for all the things in this gmae that are really good

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ok yeah then I didn’t go to more than 3 parties the entire 4 years


our uni has frat houses but not sorority houses. the two explanations i’ve heard as to why are that either sorority houses would run afoul of some poorly worded local law banning whorehouses, or that at some point in history the sorority houses were being used as whorehouses. frankly it’s probably some secret third reason

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yeah i think my school will notify me anyways so

i don’t hang out with people irl a lot. i should probably do that more often

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yeah me too

I’m not like
a person who self-selects to go to parties
I went to two of them purely because ‘girl going alone to a party with a bunch of strangers’ is the set up for many undesirable things


yah but odds are some utah kid will get notified before you so u can extrapolate cutoffs from there

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yea ok fair

A few days ago I had lunch with my mom and her friend and actually succeeded at being a person and it was baffling to me. I’m not used to that


Other was actually goated
it was goth themed and everyone went all out

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He was cool. He’s an MIT professor. But never finished his doctorate. He just hung around until they let him teach classes I guess