Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

So I think the massive nerd thing is a greater indicator

to be clear i’m not even particularly interested in a romantic relationship (ace demiromantic at most but i don’t really care to figure out labels) my vanity just demands that i be perceived


Also I’m pretty sure in high school everybody 1. knew I was gay and 2. had the impression that I would probably kill them if they tried

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i hope people talk about me in spaces i’m not present in. i hope i make for a good story in a social space that i will never find out about. when i tell other people this they think i’m crazy


I’m trying to find that Tumblr post that’s like “when you die, you see a staircase where you can hear every thing everybody’s ever said about you, but you have to walk through all the bad stuff ot hear the good”, because that osunds like heaven all hte way through .I want people to talk about me no matter what

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This post is important to me


criminal gangs fight each other

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my assumption of heaven is that it’s like a quizbowlcord informed specchat. you have omniscient knowledge of the “gamestate” and can peek into people’s lives whenever you want


both of these are Stories but im not sure if theyre the proper tone for cookie thread even 3 am cookie thread

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and you of course get to vanity search yourself across the whole server


its like one of those things where it happens to you and you’re like “this’ll make a funny story later” and then you tell it like it’s a funny story later and people are horrified

the important part

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I want to vanity search myself in life SO bad



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i’m gonna smash the quizbowl



Well fuck you I was using that for quiz cereal or perhaps quiz ice cream

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It’s “quiz bowl” and I’m going to get a strike ?

what did arctic mean by this

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The baseball kind unfortunately I don’t know anything.