Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

no matter how cold the world is i will always have hatsune miku

Remember when I was bad at Fall Guys

This is literally me


i think it technically is “quiz bowl” but everybody says “quizbowl” for some reason. idk how most quizbowl terminology came to be. literally no one knows why “biking” is the commonly used term for cheating at online quizbowl but it just is


I miss Blaseball

i was going to go find this but you beat me to it

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Yooo the accent I was listing to somebody who preordered it for ONE MONTH, it took them ONE MONTH to find $8.50 worth of gems, finally sold

I 'm not good at fall guys now I just don’t play it

I still have. Another person who hasn’t picked up their copy yet.

I drunkenly PMed them both a mildly passive aggressive message when I wanted gems to feed my Flight Rising gambling addiction and then was overly nice in my reply-to-their-reply because the initial message was maybe a little much.

i’m going to use my body to exert a large downwards force on the quizbowl over a short time


believe it or not that phrase will not help you beat the allegations!


I just checked the message and no it wasn’t actually a little much it was literally fine

so I’m walking away from Needy Streamer Overload (unless somebody convinces me to pick it up again for some specific reason) feeling p disappointed tbh

and I think the reason why comes down to the relation between the player character’s actions and the in-game outcomes

games like Undertale and DDLC are insanely memorable because they subverted your expectations and in response to your good-faith attempt to be a good person in the game turned around and served up a surprising-but-understandable series of negative consequences

in this way they were able to deliver very effective gut punches in a fashion that hit quite hard

NSO on the other hand seemingly plays pretty damn straight if you approach it from the perspective of trying to be a good person, with the bad outcomes seemingly being largely reserved for players who intentionally make choices that are obviously going to lead to predictable negative consequences

now I didn’t exactly do any of these obviously-going-to-be-bad things, so like, maybe there’s some literary genius hiding behind that, but on the whole I kinda struggle to believe that it won’t just be “encourage obviously bad thing → bad thing happens” which feels a lot less like an actual work of psychological horror and starts to feel a lot more like torture porn in a way that just does not appeal to me

so yeah i mean do I regret buying it on an impulse due to the very steep discount? not really
but do I think it’s a good game? as of right now, no


frankly the “over a short time” part is a dead giveaway


i really like that picture because i was basically flailing as wolf and that was legitimately the best comeback i could think of at the time


Surprisingly well-written


It wasn’t even me saying your ideas were poisonous, it was me sarcastically making fun of your wolfbuddy for pushing you too hard in a way that I recognised as weird and off at the time, despite the fact that I wolfread you

Which I think might be Worse

the vibes that game were just kinda rough