Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

so both of us have the exact same tastes. we want hot whemen and maybe could think about potentially feminine femboys, maaaybe

unfortunately we randed basically all of fol’s conventional d2 and d3 shotlist

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Stellaris wolfteam swapped the universal backup off me because “people love executing May” and then I endgamed and Pandora who initiated and took the swap died early D2

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I had what I consider an awesome ace streak for about 3 months (extremely nuked horomones bc of what i was taking) and it was fine I guess.

hrt is weird


Now I had KP and backup couldn’t inherit KP so this was actually fine but the logic was not “give good role to May” it was “give bad role to May”

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i considered myself straight during this time but if im honest it was entirely romantic attraction which i just dont rlly think I have for women (or had? maybe at one point but not in the past 3-4 ish years)


frenchie disgusted at the hygienic conditions of marissa’s DIY hrt lab

“C’est dégueulasse”


the anni wolfteam had two strategist swaps and neither of them provided the wolfteam with any additional value (the nightvig died to poison at eod2 and the player they swapped with died n1, the dayvig died only slightly later into day 3 than the player they swapped with)


notably they saw these two swaps as more valuable than swapping kp off of a player who ended up dying at eod1 for zeroposting (though if they had a third swap they probably would’ve done that)

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say what you will about the fam4 wolfteam but we really didn’t miss with strategist/strategist like actions


Stellaris idled our other one lol


although with perfect hindsight swapping bionic with dya might’ve been better (and certainly would’ve been funnier, i think bionic has a better chance at using the openwolfing dya’s role required than they did)

why did a 7p wolfteam get two swaps

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Unlimited shot ungated alignment cop
Unlimited shot ungated tracker
Unlimited shot vigilante

died day 1
died night 1
extra wolf kp

yes stellaris was townsided but a 7p wolfteam getting two swaps is such a meme

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Once I told someone that sexuality can fluctuate to ace and they tried to argue that not wanting to have sex happens sometimes and that was an interesting experience

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probably just met arctic?


Do you play this game, maygus???