Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

it needs more. hence why i believe that fol should have another round of mod applications-

nyaaaaaaaa is it time to argue over hypotheticals on fol :flushed:


moderation philosophy thread

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Didn’t apply for being a moderator (I want to be able to drop off the face of the earth at a minute’s notice), but I’m gonna give this one a shot for the heck of it.

Ash's Solution

I’m guessing such a situation would stem from Purple having been in a game where either the host lied about the open setup or a mod-error occurred and was not clarified properly; given the situation, I’d reckon that Purple lost that game in part because of that mistake/deception.

I’d probably handle this by explaining the process by which games are reviewed and moderated and saying that if they have a concern regarding a game secretly being bastard despite the GM’s insistence, they should raise their concerns with a moderator that’s not playing the game. I’d also probably let them off with a warning here, so long as they apologize to yellow for the situation, and inform them that doing something like this again without consulting a moderator first would be viewed in a harsher light.

Too lazy to actually type out sample messages.


oh don’t worry not every mod applicant gets to the hypothetical questions stage

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I know I probably wouldn’t have made it to that round because the only reason I considered applying was because I thought it’d be neat.

as for my answer purple’s history of mild trolling and mu ban suggests this isn’t an isolated incident, which makes me more inclined to bring the hammer down. not necessarily a perma or anything, but maybe a month long signup ban or so

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I think it depends on why they got banned from MU. I’m inherently hesitant to institute bans, and I don’t think their behavior would change if we just temporarily banned them.

it really depends on my read on purple. i dont have enough info. if i had more info on purple i’d discuss with fellow mods for us to get a read on them if they’re trolling or not. if they were trolling i’d talk to them privately, ask them if they are trolling, try to get a feel for them. if they are really trolling id give them a warning to ask them to not troll. if we lack sufficient info (we lack info in this example) then id argue purple is innocent until proven guilty. so i wouldnt take any action i think everything’s calm. yellow is technically breaking the rules by weaponizing hosts, arguably (asking the host to sub someone out) but i wouldnt do anything i think unnecessary confrontation. if it happens again maybe id say something but this isolated incident doesnt need mod intervention imo


a player can be a troll while genuinely not understanding setups / roles


I think first you need to establish some premises about whether

  1. They know enough about the games hosted on FOL to know that a bastard game wouldn’t be hosted in the vanilla queue*.
  2. If they didn’t know enough about the games hosted on FOL, whether or not they actually believed their result was tampered with

foot notes:

  • a bastard game has been hosted in the vanilla queue before

if we ban people for faking red checks i can think of a number of core FoLers (who arent considered trolls) need a ban hammer too

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they had a greencheck on the slot


(id rather not ofc)

@katze I’ll miss you

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I think what you do here is:

  • warn Yellow that she shouldn’t be suggesting actions to the mod (because it’s weaponizing moderators)
  • warn Purple that they should be playing to win, and that others do not appreciate this type of trolling
    • given Purple’s explanation it’s clear that they were in fact trolling, and not doing a genuine attempt to win (it would be a different story if they just had a really strong scumread on yellow)

Wait, absolutely

You do not play a cop13 game without the meta being established clearly in the thread

fwiw “send that player a message asking [x]” is like. a choice you can take if you think it will give you helpful info :joy_cat:

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Cop13 are different from normal games because everyone hypos and so it will become quite clear to any rational player that it isn’t a bastard game as they try to get everyone on the same page

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assuming that you’d play sensibly you wouldn’t fake a red on a green check

and yet. i’ve seen stuff man. from good-intended people