Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Huh it seems the Danganronpa Mafia Mash on MU is older than I thought. 2017 to be exact.

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Was the first game I was denied to join


edit: thank god, because that game looked fucking terrible to read


wasn’t that the game where kii got sitebanned


A secret meme, Yates wasn’t the only one who cheated but he just kept doing it. From what I have heard the real issue was him just repeatedly putting his hand into the cookie jar

edit: Also don’t publicly brag about your skill level when you cheat, all the ego andys will look into your play with so much more scrutiny.


Oh yeah true.

well if anyone else cheated they didnt get caught

id like to believe nobody else cheated personally, cheating in mafia games is super cringe

it’s true, no one else cheated. 2021 anni was legitimate!

Richard calling Dangonronpa the best mash is wild

HP mash, AoW mash, Persona mash ( :curtain:)

2024 anni is the only mu mash thus far with benguinedparbecue, if that influences your opinion


My comment was implying that others got caught. I’m not the primary source of the info since I was afk during 2016 though.

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2022 Anni was a well deserved wolf victory.

I don’t get to judge any modern games since I’m banned so I will have to agree with you.

Although plenty of old school bangers

i meant the same way yates did it :joy_cat: (if it happened another time im not aware of it)

Fuuka Yamagishi and her fellow wolves in the Persona Mash had a well deserved win. (Not going to comment on the balance of said game)

so was 2019, 2020, and every anni from 2023 until the end of time

How were they? I only ever participated in 18’

this was the final day of 2019 anni

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annis have been… slightly closer from there, but usually fall under “endgame mash town just can’t keep up the pace”

something something this is a good metaphor as to why the democratic party should rally behind kamala and not fall prey to infighting, lest the 2024 election end up being this

Back in my day, we just rolled mafia because you need players like me.


The issue with such large games people become so paranoid/focused on things that no longer matter. People have to be able to discern what is real and fake logic, instead of relying on “well you killed a wolf” since there’s 100 wolves and we all can shoot one. MU especially back then was just typically bad at playing town.

edit: Although on my last alt, I rolled the entire town as mafia and I barely had to do anything special, so I do question if their town play has improved much