Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

This definition also holds people accountable for being ignorant and spreading lies

i disagree


nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but definitions are supposed to be useful
and in the vast majority of cases this not the definition people use

I think people already use my definition? People call each other liars all the time

like you can define lying this way
and in some contexts it might be normal to do so

but what’s the point in being rigid about a non-standard definition in general, when it hinders communication

i think you’re being pedantic and also annoying

in the sense that i would be annoyed if i was wrong about something then got accused of being a liar for it


The physical scraps ive been in that i recall:

When i was around 8 i was crying about something outside school. Two much older kids saw that and started making fun of me. I got livid and jumped at them. They effortlessly diffused that, one held me by me shoulder and spun me around

Second was at 7th grade, one kid was particularly bad with the daily bullying so i jumped at him, i punched him on the head a few times, he just shoved me back. Both of us cried later but he held his tears better than i managed

Third one was a few years later. Some kids inside the school building wanted a smoke, i didn’t wanna give them, so they pinned me on the floor to take them. Half-“jokingly”. I got fed up and started throwing punches, avoiding their heads. They pushed me back and told me to calm down

In hindsight every time ive jumped at somebody they pushed me away without returning it

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damn litten i can’t believe you lied about all those scumreads. i’ll be expecting compensation


I think people who spread false narratives out of ignorance when tehy really should know better are still a kind of liars. Like I discussed this in a class once. “Would Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos have a responsibility to tell the truth about her technology Not Working even if she genuinely believed it would eventually”

And I think that when you get up on a podium and say something as a person of authority, you implicitly or explicitly say “I have good reason to believe this is true. I have done my due diligence and research. I am credible to speak on this topic.” And if you really should know better, then you’re lying about the degree of faith you deserve to have in your convictions, even if you genuinely believe the thing you are saying

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similar to the colorblind person confidently proclaiming the cat is black

Some random guy coming up to me and saying “oh did you know they stopped throwing wedding rice because birds explode and die when they eat it and it expands in their stomach” because they heard it from somebody once is not a liar, they’re just wrong. Some kind of bird expert saying “birds explode when they eat wedding rice” in a paper or on the news has signed off on what they’re saying being well researched and has put themselves in a position where they are socially obligated to do better than that

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I don’t think I’m being pedantic at all though, people use my definition all the time when calling other people liars. Being a liar requires you to be constantly wrong about a subject and spreading lies about it

If somebody had a passionate scumread in mafia and they genuinely believed it & had arguments to support it, but it was incorrect, would you class them as a liar

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I think that this is just a meta thing youre amusing yourself by

Like youre showing us by example, by you lying yourself

i disagree pretty heavily with this on several levels but i dont think im up to have this argument right now


wrongboy has been banned for lying
so sad


And do you think this is inherently the same action as somebody

  • saying the exact same things but as a wolf, knowing they’re misleading people
  • saying the exact same things as a wolf, but genuinely believing the reasons are solid and other people should believe them
  • saying the exact same things as a villager who’s falsifying a scumread for ??? reasons

I didn’t mean to put a flushed there

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I tried to put a colon
