Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

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i thinks its fine. i personally think its over hyped just a tad tiny bit.
i dont hate it and it is funny at times. but i will agree the supposed horror factor of this series hasnt really worked with me


i will give props to goose work on character design tho.

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yea… I couldn’t be on last night… omg- we are in a tornado watch rn… love y’all <3 see y’all in heaven TwT


I dunno what the difference between borda and instant runoff is but yeah that makes sense
European countries are a lot more dense

y’all I just had the best orange of my life


In both IRV and Borda Count a voter ranks the candidates (let’s say 5). In IRV, votes are counted using everyone’s first choice, and if no candidate has received a majority of votes, the candidate with the least first choice votes is eliminated, and then votes are recounted using those voters’ first non-eliminated choice. This process repeats until there’s a winner.

Borda Count assigns points instead. The first candidate receives 5 points, the second 4, third 3, fourth 2, and the fifth 1. The winner is whoever has the most points.

The short version with IRV is that it does not look at an entire ballot, only the candidate whose name is at the top. This gives it a number of bizarre and really properties that I can’t articulate simply. A good example is if every voter picked the same candidate second, but none of them picked that candidate first, that candidate would always be eliminated in the second round despite being the most representative candidate because IRV doesn’t look ahead. It’s very sensitive to ordering in this way and outcomes can change by doing things like rearranging the order of candidates who can never win on enough ballots which is pretty undesirable. Borda count has none of these problems because it’s always looking at the entire ballot, and is simpler to tabulate for the same reason.

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I ser

guys what the fuck


I thought this was a bit at first but then i googled it and its fucking TRUE?



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we up in rural oregon

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we up in vermont

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we eep



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One of these days…

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It took a while of lying in bed but I got to sleep

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after 10 hours in the lab today I finally finished my year 3 project

this crate of beer is going to be defiled

