Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

dm me and ill send you it im too embarrassed to do it in public and i dont know which discord account you usually check

femtanyl bad fme


this is one of the least surprising takes ive ever heard from you to the point where i’m surprised you even bothered listening to any of their work in the first place

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i like to watch the cam recordings in vc for the whole experience

ive deffo only heard them in random mixes youtube occasionally throws at me, but the name stuck out

…hm? Wait a minute…
I know that PFP…
Webtoon… Character’s name is “Lucifer”?
*checks app*
“I’m a Grim Reaper”
I haven’t read any webtoons in a while.
Might be time to go back reading those again.

or u could read worm

They disagree with you all


see i voted that which obviously means i’m objectively right

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I love making Tumblr polls

@Litten I lose at sleeping and win at POLLS


Why are you so popular you have 154 servants :sob:

They love me on the tumblr

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I understand the meme, but if the original assertion was assumed to be true, wouldn’t the logical answer be appropriation in actuality?

Consider that kissing has been documented five thousand years back to ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) before spreading to the West, yet nobody says “kissing is pretty Mesopotamian of you”. If we assume the Mesopotamians were gay who invented kissing, one might call it comparable; and yet since not everyone who kisses necessarily does so to mimic the gay Mesopotamians (particularly those who are neither), but rather to appropriate their culture (which the West tends to do), then we’d have our answer.


Hi Magnus


Do you meow for them? FoL loves you despite you being a mean catgirl. I suspect that you can get away with anything as long as you purr

Hi May.
Happy birthday (it’s not your birthday).


I don’t meow on Tumblr and I only recently made my icon a catgirl

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0:22 again I should stop doing this at horrid hours of the night