Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

I actually have no idea how it scores you but 44/75 seems low

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(I cant see the photo) <3

and it graded to a 20, a 20 is average (just searched it up)

Where can I take this test

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website called “masteryprep” idk if it’ll work for u tho, never tried prob never will

Doesn’t seem like it will

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lol sorry

i just fried and ate 5 eggs and 2 slices of bread mmmm so tasty so delicious so heartwarming. hearty meal. morale + 50 boost. optimism. hope. warm belly. mmmmmm i rub my belly. so tasty. yum yum. feel happy. will even forgive arcy for being a meanie to me earlier. he just doesnt know any better.mmmmm. i nap now. belly full too tired to stay awake. nap nappp

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a bulgarian making breakfast (heartwarming)


…huh. Never knew about this part.
(Aw ****. Does this mean that “anything” can be bastard after all!? Aw, dangit!)
(“This role is an inconvenience to me, therefore it is bastard!”)
(GOOD LORD. I just can’t escape this label from now on, can I?)


Oh my… This can be fun!
(Hm… Yes, and no. I do have an idea in mind, but in doing so, the game format would no longer be a standard mafia.)
Tsk. Unfortunate…

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Wait a minute. This means that “any moderator lies that can be reasonably anticipated” -e.g., Godfather, Tailor, Miller, and Ninja- are not bastard.

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Well on fol you generally need to put the possibility in the OP
people do NOT expect godfathers; I’d go so far as to say if you have one it needs to be explicitly said that there’s false investigations in the game

Godfathers are way worse than millers tho
You probably don’t need to include the existence of millers

Also searching for an objective and consistent of bastard is pointless by the very nature of the word I think

im sooo bored

im like half asleep but i have to persist

Then explain how The Godfather is a much better movie than Miller’s girl


i did not care for the godfather

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Instead of thinking about it as a simple binary of bastard or not bastard, I’ve started thinking about roles in terms of a salt score i.e. how salty are players likely going to be because this is in the game? Godfather, Tailor, and unaware Miller have a pretty high salt score because players generally do not like being surprised by those roles. I would categorize ninja as being lower simply because I haven’t seen that many complaints about it. Aware miller is probably very low, and I would say non-controversial.

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