Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

if my parents are married when im conceived but one of them was a bastard how bastard am i

wtf is this. (math portion, i got a 17.0)

Who decided this though? When was it decided, and who agreed?
I have been putting bastard labels on things I deemed bastard because “I had never seen any exact definition”, but according to the following…

dead interaction is not even bastard!
With this list… I can finally stop using the “Non-Bastard, Semi-Bastard, Bastard” point on my games! (Full Bastard was never used anyway. /shrug)


too late, chose a random answer <3 thanks tho pooks

Well of course it would be pointless if one of your definitions of bastard is “anything inconvenient (to you)”.

To me, it is not pointless. I can finally stop using those excessive warnings about “this game is semi-bastard”. Finally I can have a game where it is not called bastard because of moderator lies! Because as long as they “can be reasonably anticipated”, it’s not bastard! \o/

Well of course it would be pointless if one of your definitions of bastard is “anything inconvenient (to you)”.

Heck, if anything, we should now probably start a discussion and/or a list as to what is and is not deemed as “inconvenient”.

both got it wrong TuT

Oh right… I’m stupid

It’s (10 - 5) / 5 so 1 + 1 * .135 so 1.135

Don’t know why I said 10.92 it’s very close to 8.81

smarter then me cause like… wtf does all that mean? all i know is y=mx+b

10 / (1 + (10 - 5) / 5 * 0.135)

10 / (1 + 5 / 5 * 0.135)

10 / (1 + 0.135)


You just have to replace K with 10 and e to the -2 with 0.135

And then do the math

You can do this but when you stop setting players’ expectations, more of them are going to feel pants’d by roles they find unpleasant.

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What does pantsing mean?

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Pantsing is when you pull someone’s pants down, usually in front of others for the purpose of embarrassing them.

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Hm… Fair enough.

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Wait. But that means that I have to keep saying dead interaction is bastard even though “the (official) definition” says it’s not? That’s bullcrap.

I find it easier to just say the things that aren’t in the game, and leave everything else on the table. You’re still responsible as a game designer making a game that your players will have fun with given the expectations you’ve set though. The reality is most players do not consider something like a tailor to be reasonably expectable.

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got a 25.0 on reading

*grumpy Zone noises*
(Most players on this site…)

I am just salty that this matter is not uniform. What if I somehow designed a game I think is not bastard according to the wiki and “the majority of the players on this site”, yet somehow that one player who felt inconvenienced by my setup *looks at Someone* says “it is bastard”?

I just can’t ever escape the “Zone’s games are bastard” label, can I?

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they hit the second radiohead album