Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

well. the only reason it was a noexe is because i was never gonna let the vote on you pass because i knew you were never demon. and i was hoping you would blunder and nom gummy because that was the only path to victory at that point

Oh, right.
Though you and Gummy would’ve countervoted on me, and May would’ve been forced to support your vote to prevent a Vortox win.

unfortunately you made the sensible play and just didn’t nom

And we both just sat there laughing as Arete counted

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Speaking of, “benguined is laughing he’s evil” WAS true. Fucked up

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The voice meta.

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you’ll note me pushing gummy for like half of day 2, gummy going “hmm wouldn’t it be funny if the demon was cerelocked for the whole game,” and then me going “hmm maybe it’s ash”

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I kept trying to get people do to voice meta on me SO hard. I was exaggerating the evil voice SO bad in that first F3

it just fucking comes out. and tbf the situations i were laughing at were unambiguously funny for both alignments


i think i laugh in funny situations and the real tell is when the laughs seem to come out of nowhere (i’m probably evil and see something funny that the good team doesn’t)


Way funnier seeing hte misplay of killing the Spent Seamstress Claim when you were a Minion though

it was a misplay regardless of my alignment! me being the minion just made it even more fucked up

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How come you all didn’t notice MY VOICE META I was doing my VOICE META on SUPER PURPOSE it was SO OBVIOUS how come nobody did this how come how come how come

Oh I agree but in hindsight it’s SO funny knowing you were evil

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Thinking about the time I was Klutz and I was like “I’m Outsider time to fakeclaim a powerful role to bait a kill” forgetting how the Klutz functions and then claimed Dreamer. And then I proceeded to realise I had fucked up terribly and immediately rescinded the Dreamer claim,

i then got absolutely got by the chambermaid but everyone just believed in the world where the one sober tf was the sage/clockmaker instead of the one where there’s a chambermaid to compensate

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I was convinced Ash was minion and was misplaying

Also in game 1 i totally revealed what the world was (me vortox and ash minion)

It wasnt actually the world but i thought it was! I was surprised at how quickly benguined realized though

Thinking about the time I got N2ed as Sage and received correct information and lost

i already knew you were vortox and was pushing a you/ash world out of necessity anyway

in retrospect the correct play was to reverse psychology, push a may/ash world, and get ash to nominate gummy