Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

if they, like, actually kick you out and you need a place to crash for a bit we live in the same state and I can probably put you up for a few days? (let me know asap if this happens so I can get an air mattress or something, my roommates’ partner is maybe using the normal backup mattress) (not because of getting kicked out he’s just visiting)


Im already lying to them and they arent buying it it seems like


Okay. Do you want to tell us what you said and what they’re saying? Is it safe for you to come out to them and be honest?

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Maybe they are i dont know im panicked out of my mind

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i’ve had a very similar situation happen before and it sucks a lot. I dont really have much advice but I get and empathize w/ u and hope the best :heart::heart::heart: u bestie


i mean
given your previous messages probably not

I was planning on coming out to them in a few weeks but i eanted to do ir AFTER a vacation whered id be stuck with them for a week and then some

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Deep breaths. It’s gonna be okay. It sucks, but the only way out is through. If you can safely call out of work, it may be good to do so to minimize the amount of stress you’re experiencing right now, and give you space to be somewhere quiet so you can think.


I dont think theyd kick me out but i know theyd disapprove

I can tell from my dads texts he 100% doesnt believe me but he is still like accepting ehat i say


Work is actually really quiet thankfully, honestly a life saver i was here instead of home


do you prefer the situation where you’ve told them the truth and they’re kind of mad/disapproving about it, or the situation where you haven’t told them the truth but they kind of know you’re lying to them? (serious question, both have pros and cons)


(ultimately I do think A > B but idk your situation fully)

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poor youbie :frowning:

The second one since i was gonna comr out to them soon anyway

I just hope they dont search my room or computer or anything i literally have a skirt loosely tucked under the bed


I’m sorry youbie :people_hugging:
That sucks so much weh


i appreciate the enthusiasm but idk how you expect youbie to hitchhike to chicago. i know you don’t have a car


If you decide to tell them, hold your ground. My therapist told me when talking to me about coming out that this moment in your life is like a train leaving the station. You’re going on a journey, and they’re welcome aboard, you want them with you, but if they’re unwilling to do so, they’re going to be left behind.


I do have a car so

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lots of random smallish towns either (a) have a bus stop that goes to Chicago or (b) are within Uber distance of same. it’s obviously not ideal but like, ‘buy Youbie a bus ticket’ is clearly better than ‘Youbie ends up sleeping on the streets of Random Small Town’


or if she has a car that works too :joy_cat:

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