Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

I also had a dream that I forgot to give somebody feedback for a Tag they should’ve been informed about but that’s irrelevant


That’s awesome!


Lesson learned there.


I’m so curious what the exact domino effect is. Honestly I tend to be less bullheaded about things like my crazynuto TR when I feel like I’m being taken seriously, like I think that’s the actual thing that enables me to play better rather than just the fact that people listen to my reads. It’s. Let me list out the things

  • If I feel like I am influential, I feel more responsibility to be thoughtful and correct
  • I don’t feel like I have to hard commit to an idea in order to be listened to at all
  • When other people read what I say, respect it, take it seriously, and still disagree, I value their opinions more, because I know they have substantial objections rather than just not caring
  • People are more likely to look through my reads and comment on them in general, meaning my incorrect ideas get challenged
  • Having more impact on the game makes people react more distinctively to me and therefore they become more readable
  • I don’t get spiteful and just disagree with people because they annoy me

keep in mind the domino of nuto dying in fam4 directly led to a different domino where tutuu’s pfp is forfeit for another month after the current bet wears off


MIchigan, universiTy of

Think again


Chloe breaking rule 3 smh


I tend to kind of live in my own world when I don’t feel like people are listening to me. When I do feel like they are, I’m way more likely to ocncede to consensus because I feel like I’m a part of that consensus. Like the reason I never defended Achro the day he got shot is because Ash had voiced concerns about his slot yesterday, and even though I technically refuted them and he technically conceded the point, I knew Ash was, like, listening to and respecting me, so I listened to and respected him


Maybe I should just decide I’m good at mafia and then I’ll be good at mafia


You’re annoying, therefore everything you say is wrong and irrelevant


Ok i know this is a joke but look at orange’s location on his profile :wowee:


maybe if i had posted during fam4 i would’ve lived longer


things to think about!

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Okay yaaaay I’m gonna tunnel villagers forever now

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Please do, I’ll flip your reads and have 5 free clears!


Oh I just know it because a while ago I remember Orange posting something about it on the old forums

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I feel like it’s strategically optimal as wolf to get me mad at you, because it makes me ignore everybody and everything, and also stop wolfreading you because I’ll be convinced it’s bias. I ignored baudib1 half of FAM cause I was like “well maybe I’m just annoyed because I don’t like the reasons he’s wolreading me”


[insert Bee Movie script to increase everyone’s read time by, like, three hours]

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Oh also if I trust myself then I’m less likely to ignore my own thoughts that I think are actually strong and founded in reality

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In the next cookie thread you should disable likes @Chloe so then Eliza has a mental breakdown