Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Selfish people care

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which doesn’t make a difference here because just enter works

but in general shift-enter is newline without posting in most applications


yeah good point, you should save up to gtfo florida

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We have finally beaten the tutorial.

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I mean 0% vs 7% of your income is kinda a big deal

wtf state charges 7% income tax on anybody relevant

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i googled the tax ranges for states and thisa is what it showed me

needless to say 10.75% only applies to those with an income of litearlly a million dollars

I mean we’d need to know the exact brackets but in most states you’re not paying 7% if you don’t make six figures

yeah lol

at which point you’re doing fine tbh

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like will I personally be taking taxes into account for any future moves I make?

yes absolutely, any percent of what you make is definitely worth holding onto if you can

but for most people it’s just a factor and there are many reasons I could see myself moving somewhere with higher tax rates and many reasons I would not move to places with lower tax rates

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FL has an effective tax rate (which is how much of your taxable income you end up paying) of 8.44%. I moved to VA, which has an income tax of up to 5.75%, has an effective tax rate of 10.68%. FL is the 7th lowest tax rate in the nation, and the highest, IL, has an effective tax rate of about 15%. That’s still less than going from 0% to 7% :slightly_smiling_face:

But yeah, most of the time your effective tax rate isn’t changing all that much. Aaaaand it can depend on your income because in VA it scales from 1% (once you cross a minimum threshold) and goes up to 5.75%, so for lower income families that would be most heavily affected by taxes tend to pay a lower percentage. If my income is taxed 70% after $10 million, that’s a pretty high tax rate, but also I don’t give a shit! I’m making over $10 million a year! My tax rate went up by about 2% and I barely notice and I don’t even make 6-figures. There’s a very narrow band of income where you’re being taxed enough to meaningfully affect financial decisions. Things that you actually need to survive like food don’t scale with income so even if your income is taxed at an increasingly higher rate, it really stops mattering pretty quickly in terms of affecting things you actually need.

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I made a joke recently about tattooing my future gf’s name on me. Now i just read news of a popular league of legends streamer breaking up with his gf who had tattooed his name on her chest


i didn’t know you played league


I didnt know you were an actual squirrel


only some of the time

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this is a hydra account run by a human and a squirrel

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this is lore accurate

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all the witty, amusing posts I make are written by the squirrel (obviously) while all the dumb, clearly drunk posts are made by the human

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